Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rethinking Ontario’s Anti-SLAPP Law After Bent v. Platnick

Rethinking Ontario’s Anti-SLAPP Law After Bent v. Platnick:

In 2015, Ontario passed legislation aimed at protecting defendants from lawsuits stifling expressions made in the public interest. One aspect of this law is that it allows defendants to successfully bring an expedited motion to dismiss even in circumstances where the plaintiff’s action has substantial merit and there are no valid defences that could reasonably be advanced at trial.

This is known as the “public interest hurdle” analysis and, more exactly, provides that an action will not be dismissed if the plaintiff can show

the harm likely to be or have been suffered by the responding party [plaintiff] as a

posted from Tumblr Rethinking Ontario’s Anti-SLAPP Law After Bent v. Platnick from Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers

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