Thursday, October 29, 2020

It is a pleasure to recognize National Occupational Therapy Month during the month of October. Occupational Therapists p...

It is a pleasure to recognize National Occupational Therapy Month during the month of October. Occupational Therapists p...:
It is a pleasure to recognize National Occupational Therapy Month during the month of October. Occupational Therapists play an integral role in ensuring the needs of patients come first; and at UHN they are proud to highlight them in their recent UHN 24/7 Photo Essay. You can view these amazing images at In support of this national professional observances, it’s our firm’s honour to help raise awareness and sponsor the important work these professionals do every day. #OTMonth #otmonth2020 #distinctvalue #OccupationalTherapy

posted from Tumblr It is a pleasure to recognize National Occupational Therapy Month during the month of October. Occupational Therapists p... from Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers

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